Changing a Provider Entry and/or Type

When a provider is created in Community Services, an assessment is assigned to appear when the correct Entry Type is selected while creating an Entry Record. If an incorrect Entry Type is selected, the wrong assessment or a message may display in the Entry/Exit Data pop-up, No Entry Assessment has been specified for this provider. The Entry Type can be corrected immediately at the top of the Entry/Exit Data pop-up by selecting the correct Entry Type from the drop-down menu and clicking Update. If the wrong Provider or Entry Type is selected while creating an Entry Record, this can be corrected immediately.

How to Change Provider and/or Entry Type


1.       Enter EDA mode as the provider that will be used for the client record moving forward.

2.       Search in ClientPoint for the client whose entry/exit needs to be updated.

3.       Navigate to where the organization creates the Entry/Exit. Find the entry that needs to be adjusted and click the edit pencil  to the left of the entry date.

4.       Click Save & Continue in the Project Start Data pop-up.

5.     At the top of the Entry/Exit Data pop-up, choose the correct options for Provider and Type. Click the Update button.

a.  Use the drop down for Provider to select the name of the project to which the record is being moved.

b.  The User must have EDA access to the correct project. 

6.     The questions differ from one assessment to the next, review the assessment questions and make sure that any additional ones are answered. If entering data for a household, review assessments for all other household members.

7.       Click Save & Exit.


Reports and Entry Type

Several reports are designed to pull clients by provider and Entry Type. If the wrong Entry Type is selected, the client or household may not appear on your report.

  • Select HUD for Entry Type if entering client into a all other projects that are not PATH, RHY, or VA.
  • Select PATH for Entry Type if entering client into a HHS-PATH project.
  • Select RHY for Entry Type if entering client into a HHS-RHY project.
  • Select VA for Entry Type if entering client info into an SSVF project.

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