Name, SSN, or Date of Birth Error
Some errors are more complicated than simply answering a missing data element. The following sections provide instructions to fix these errors.
Name Data Quality Error/UPDATE
To avoid duplicate client record creation, a full first and last name should be recorded whenever possible. If a full first and last name is available, make sure the client record is updated and the Name Data Quality field changed to Full Name Reported.
1. Enter EDA mode to the correct project provider.
2. Backdate to the Project Start Date of the clients first enrollment in your program.
3. Search for and enter the client record
4. Navigate to the Client Profile tab.
5. Click the edit pencil next to Client Record.
6. Update Name and Name data quality elements.
7. Click Save & Exit.
If only a partial, street name, or code name is obtained, leave as is.
SSN Data Quality Error
If client record has a SSN DQ error, the social security number in the clients record is considered invalid. For example, a 999-99-9999 is flagged as invalid. To resolve, review the entered SSN on the Client Profile tab.
1. Enter EDA mode to the correct project provider.
2. Search for and enter the client record.
Backdate to the Project Start Date of the clients first enrollment in your program.
3. Navigate to the Client Profile tab.
4. Click the pencil next to the Client Record.
5. Update the SSN field, and corresponding SSN Data Quality field as needed.
6. Click Save & Exit.
Date of Birth (DOB) Error
If Date of Birth (DOB) isnt missing in the client record (-missing- data-elements), something else is going on! A DOB error is commonly caused by a clients Project Start Date occurring before the clients DOB. If the clients DOB is confirmed to be accurate, Project Start Date will need to be corrected.
1. Enter EDA to the correct provider and open the Head of Household's record.
2. Navigate to the tab the organization uses to record Entry/Exit, click on the edit pencil
to the left of the Project Start Date to open the Entry Assessment.
3. Click Save & Continue in the first pop-up.
4. At the top of the Entry/Exit Data window, click the edit pencil for the client who has the DOB error.
5. In the Edit Project Start Date pop-up window, uncheck all clients except the client with the DOB error.
6. Change the Project Start Date to the date the client joined, then click Save & Continue.
NOTE: The clients Project Start Date should either match their DOB or be after their DOB.
7. Confirm that Entry Assessment data for the client is correct, then click Save & Exit.